Sunday 21 June 2015


Ohio Gozaimazu!
Kali Spera!
Дзень добры 
ᎣᏏᏲ (Osiyo)
 And HI to everyone! 
Yea forgive me for the "weird" last two greeting, I was just having fun with Y'all!  HELLO, HELLO, HELLO, TODAY I SHALL BE TALKING ABOUT MY "FAVORITE" *cough, not* TIME OF THE WEEK!!! JUST SO YOU GUYS KNOW......(Oh P.S this has nothing to do with the topic but....) I'M GETTING ED SHEERAN'S BIOGRAPHY BOOK REALLY SOON!!!!! AND I'M SUPER EXCITED TO READ IT CAUSE HE TALKS ABOUT HIS AWESOME "LIFE" NOW LETS MOVE ON FROM THAT.......

OK! The Weekly cat is back! LOL that rhymes! Anyways.......Lets get into it everyone! And just saying but I am actually looking through thin air at times while I'm writing this because sometimes I just think.....using my "IMAGINATION" Right, sorry! Lets get back to it.
Lets just say that Nairnville isn't "my" type of thing and its not exactly my FAVORITE thing to do because I kinda am not an expert at gym and rugby. Lets just say I'm not the "Fittest" person in the world so that gives me a disadvantage. BUT, apart from that everything seems to be KA-PAI! Oh and just a little thing about Nairnville I'd like to mention in this is that......hmmm...... PLEASE DO NOT RUN REALLY FAST WHEN WE HAVE TO GO THERE CAUSE......I KINDA GET TIRED and sometimes i get a bad stitch :( that hurts.
The thing I have probably ENJOYED the most would have to be doing that gym routine thingy. I did it with Caiomhe and not to BRAG ABOUT IT but (hehe) we were pretty good :)  And she taught me how to lift my self off of the ground using MY HANDS!!!! SWEET!

Some new skills that I have learned from these REALLY FUN lessons is that:
I kinda don't feel that i have been pushing my self that much to improve and be involved because.......WELL As I said before I'm not the "FITTEST" person alive and it's kinda hard when your trying to do your best at something then see SOMEONE who's better than you doing it, which makes me think 
"Eh, why bother?"
But now If I look back to it I think that I shouldn't give up so easy on sports even though they aren't my 'TYPE' I actually DO TRY to participate and I end up being the one NO ONE EVER passes to! I mean, I want people to pass to me WHEN I'M RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM BUT THEN THEY DECIDE TO PASS TO THE PERSON WHO'S AT THE BACK OF THE PACK AND HAVE PEOPLE SURROUNDING THEM. This actually makes me wonder if I need to step up my game a little and SHOW WHO'S BOSS (not in a bad way!)

What i could do to get more out of the sessions is to Be more AVAILABLE and try have..... FUN! 
Some suggestions for future Nairnville lessons are:
  • They could do TENNIS!!
  • Make sure the kids that aren't as experienced as others get more of a turn
  • Play more SQUIRT! 
And yea, that's it really!  OK its time for a super quick...... 
Alright, this memory brings back sadness to me so yea.....
When I was 5 years old in Rm1 with MRS COFFIN (just saying but she was actually nice if you were on her GOOD SIDE) she gave us all these vouchers to go buy sunglasses from a cool shop. So mum took me there and we bought these cute pink ones with little strawberries printed on the sides of them. I would wear them EVERYDAY to school and show them off. Like I literally remember just strolling down the foot path with Olivia and showing em off to everyone! BUT.....then  the most trajic thing happened on the school picnic....I LOST THEM!

Luckily one of the teachers found them and said in front of the whole school lod and clear, "WHOS ARE THESE"......sielence...."OK THEN I'M GOING TO GET RID OF THEM IF NO ONE CLAIMS THEM" I felt my eyes burn as she stuffed them into her pocket. Now you are all probably thinking, "WHAT!? why didnt she get them?" AND I think the same thing to everyday. The reason that I didnt get them was because i was SUPER SHY and didn't like to talk to anyone and I wasn't a social person. So I'M SORRY SUNGLASSES! I MISS YOU A LOT :( Yea.....

Thanks for reading my post and please feel free to comment below!    

1 comment:

  1. I love this post, especially the super sad but slightly hilarious sunglasses flashback.Awesome apology at the end. Those poor sunglasses. RIP.
