Sunday 10 August 2014


Think of this . . . . . . 
Going outside, getting muddy and going out in the cold rain just to throw or kick a ball.
Now think of this . . . . . . .
Nice cozy outfit, warm inside, dancing and stretching . . .
Now which one of these would you prefer?
For me it would be number 2 because that is what I do. 
If you chose number 1 well then think again.
I don't play any rough sports including balls or bats etc. But I do ballet! Some people might not consider it as a sport but I do because its the only thing I can do well. I'm a grade 6 in ballet now (yay!) and will be starting point next year. This is the best sport ever!!!! If your a boy and are reading this post I'd just like to say that not only girls do ballet but so do boys! It is a nice and calming sport that includes good arm and leg movement.

 It does not hurt you in any way and is really cool. Some people i know have quit ballet but I tell you that if you are one of those people reading this right now, join again. It might not be fun when your grade 1 but once your at my level its amazing! The benefits of this sport is that you are able to stretch better and become more flexible. The skills you learn are how to do an arebesk, pardeboregh and lots of other french word movements. Some people find ballet boring but what makes it fun is if you make it fun and enjoy your self and stay positive all of the time!! If your going to be all sad and dopey its not going to be much fun. So if your a boy or girl I sujest you sign up for ballet today and give it a try (Trust me it'll be worth it).
If you have a question about ballet just ask me down below!
These are point shoes by the way. When you get to grade 6 in ballet you get to go on point! So get amongst ballet today.