Sunday 7 September 2014


The production is over and done with and boy am I relieved. I have had sleepless nights trying to remember my lines and remember who i say it after. Over all I loved it and thought it was a great experience. This was my last ever production and I think it went quite well apart from when my medallion didn't come off (embarrassing). The only other thing that didn't go well that night is when one of my words came out in a bit of a jumble. 

 Picture of me dancing >>>>>>

Some of the highlights of this production was being able to make cool props and have on of the lead roles in it. I quite enjoyed learning the dance Tainted love and watching the other classes perform. The scenes that I enjoyed the most were probably the last scene where both Aisling and I couldn't get our medallions off, The trading post which was performed by Room 9 and Room 6's scene (That was my dads absolute favorite).

 As I was one of the main characters in the play I had to do quite a few scenes. I think I performed quite well but not as good as Samantha. I think I should've been facing the audience more but overall I think it was a pretty good performance. If the production was to be done again I think we should've explained my fluffy problem at the beginning because my parents only found out what was happening at the end. I also think that some of the kids should've had more lines to learn. I have enjoyed the experience of being in this production and hope to see the next up coming one!

Tell me what you guys liked about this production?