Sunday 23 November 2014


This is my last year as a year seven and its sad.
The thing I like most about being a year seven is that I can walk up the inside stair way!!
Its not nice walking up the smelly compost way (I'm shivering just thinking about it, yuk!).

Anyway, next year I will be a year 8 and I am feeling really excited since this will be my first and last time in primary school!

Next year I'd like to become Bridgedene's house captain because I would really like to be a leader of the school and be a good role model to younger kids. I really want to become really good in maths and writing so that when I go to college I can write awesome stories and not be behind in maths. I also really want to become really good at art because right now I'm terrible at it.

What I'm looking forward to the most and probably what everyone is looking forward to is camp! I've never been on a 5 day camp away from home because my parents are very protective and I will miss little kitty who will miss me too. I have been on camp in year 6 but I have a 100% feeling that year 8 camp will be way much better. 

Some things that could be challenging next year is the high expectations and work standards. Since I'm older now I presume the teachers will want me to have better work presented than I had as a year 7. Also, camp will be challenging when I'm in the sea because I have never swam in it before.  But hopefully I'll be alright.

That's me for now!
For the year 8's, good luck for college
and for the year 7's, try your best in everything you do!