Sunday 6 September 2015

✿Be prepared to have your mind blown...with my POEM✿

MOOOO Cow smileys
CA-CAAWWW!!!  (•ө•)♡
MY thinking box :)

"The Weekly Kat!"
I'm THINKING in my box right now.....

Other me: Can I help think too!?
Other me: (๑◕︵◕๑)
UGH! I just DON'T want this post to drag on today, alright? 
Other me: *Nods head*
Bye, bye....
Other me: .......
Other me:..........


So this week I'm going to show you TWO of my 
"Emotional Poems" I hope y'all Enjoy them :)


Anxiety is like a volcano,

Adrenaline building up in you,

Replenishing tension throughout your body,

Consuming your thoughts with images,

Heart thumping harshly like a drum,

Attempting to escape the labyrinth in your mind,

As fear takes control of you,

Forcefully setting you back from chances,

Anxiety brings out the worst in you.


Serenity acts like a medicine,

Forsaking gloomy thoughts,

Tentatively easing your perception,

Unfolding your mind like a blooming flower,

Illuminating the world around you,

Letting you go with ease,

Propelling you to move forward,

To diminish the angst that sets inside of you,

Serenity soothes your pain

What do ya think?
I spent AGES on trying my best to perfect the tiny crucial details.
So....These are my favorite probably because writing about emotions allows you to express the feelings that are kept inside of you and let them burst free. Anxiety is usually always haunting my thoughts and what I wrote just up there is how I feel.

So by writing you're feelings and putting it onto a page....Helps 
you a lot :) It kind of soothes your brain and lets your mind go wild! This is been the first time that I've written an emotional poem and It really helped me to calm my nerves. In my head EVERYTHING sounds better but when I try to write how I feel on this blog its kinda hard....sorry if It doesn't make sense.......... I hope you guys enjoyed my poems!!!

WELCOME BACK TO..... IF I WERE __________?
Today's one is......... IF I WERE A CAT LADY......
Enjoy :)

Day 3:
Dear Diary:
I am currently knitting a sweater for chuckles the 3rd
My poor little chuckles has gotten the FLU! I'm hoping that he stays nice and warm!
I popped into the shops today to buy some more cat food....Everyone was staring at me....which REALLY scared the living hell out of me! So I had to HISSS at them to flea!
Talking about flea's.....Martha, Ginger, Jingles and......I forgot his name......WELL ANYWAYS, they all have fleas! Of course that means I have to make yet ANOTHER trip to the shops to by flea treatment.....

Day 8:
Dear Diary:
Two people have knocked on my door today....
I didn't answer, instead I curled up in a little ball like my cats do.They left a door on my note saying that they needed to move me out of here!?  I can't go back to living the TERRIBLE Life when I had to go to work...EVERY SINGLE DAY!
The phone rang just a few minutes ago....IT was my sister. Shes a very successful lawyer now, although I wish she wasn't :( When I picked up the phone she asked me if she could visit me and do a little bit of a clean up in the house. I hissed at her through the phone saying "GO AWAY" then SLAMMED it down.

After that....I cried for a few minutes
 Then I heard banging on my door and someone shouting, "TELL YOUR CATS TO BE QUIET!"
But it wasn't my cats that were yelping....More like the other way round.  Kitty junior is covered in tags....I don't know what to do!?  If I call the vet then they will see the state my house is in and might take me away.....

Day 15:
Dear Diary:
I'm afraid that poor little Martha has died after giving birth to a beautiful litter of kittens!
The six of them have their mothers eyes, a blazing yellow. It's so cold in here though, I don't think there is a heater. I've been wearing the same clothes for 8 days now. They're all covered in cat fur.Because of the coldness, I've snuggled up with 17 of my cats while humming to them the nyan cat song.

What If I don't survive?
Later this evening the door bell rang. I was too cold to talk or move.
The door flew open and a cold blast of air wafted into the room. 
A young woman came flying into the room and looked at me. She told me that she was here to take good care of me. But there was bad news...She was going to take all my cats...
I scratched her with all the might that was left in my weeping hand. She did not flinch though....Instead she took my hand and said "The worst will be over soon"

Operation cat lady!
I actually don't PLAN on being a cat lady when I'm older...
Well, I AM going to buy a few cats :)
I guess I haven't really thought out my future carefully!?
Sorry, I was about to say "And give this a BIG thumbs up!"
Tsk, tsk tsk! 

I'm updating this on Tuesday morning...
I just remembered! Next week I'm going to do a blog collab with we're both going to do our point of views in IF I WERE_________!

But that doesn't mean y'all can copy...
So stay tuned in for next week to see out collab!