Monday 26 October 2015

♡ॢ*‧˚New obsession?♡ॢ*‧˚



Hello there, I did not see you there  ҉ *\( ‘ω’ )/*҉
Let's just say I have a new obsession with these emoticon things.
Okay... at the end of my post I have something new...
Let's just start ˚‧*♡ॢ˃̶̤̀◡˂̶̤́♡ॢ*‧˚
Just curious but why do lots of people have the Nyon cat at their profile pic now? new favorite thing?
Honestly I have no idea.
There's no TV show...
No really a book series (Well maybe a few)
But I guess there is one thing....

Okay so I have an absolute new obsession which is Coraline.
And I don't know why? I mean...I guess it's cause I love the book and movie :)
Believe me on this....But I have seen the movie over 30 times but only read the book once....
But I'm going to get it out of the library REALLY SOON!

I mean....
I've had this obsession with it for a while but I started getting more hyper when the movie came on TV a few weeks ago. Then I started getting the songs stuck in my head, I started to try learn them on the piano, I watched a million videos on you tube of the "Behind the scenes" and I even made my own fan fiction about it. What really intrigued me was how Neil Gaiman thought of the whole idea and it's just AMAZING how the whole movie is STOP MOTION!

The stop motion animation!!!! SO AMAZING
They said on you tube that apparently it took a whole day to film 7 seconds of the movie. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE
Laika took 25 hours to make 7 seconds of my enjoyment! 
Oh and also:
It took 300 face expressions to make 3 seconds of Coraline talking.
I guess I'll tell you some stuff about the plot then....

Once upon a time....
Oh who am I kiddin'?
There's a girl called Coraline that moves in with her family to "The pink palace" apartments.
She is so bored and lonely until she finds a secret little door.....But when she opens the door it's all blocked up. But at night....It opens to a whole new world.

The creepy as BOOK COVER
This new world is exactly like her own one...only...her parents have button eyes and the food, people and entertainment is much better. But Coraline thinks it's all a dream. She doesn't know what trouble she's getting herself into. People warn her that danger will come through the little door but she ignores them. 

I think on her 3rd time entering the door.....
Her other mother with button eyes asks her if she wants to live in the other world forever.
Coraline says yes...until the other mother says there is one thing that she needs to do. She must sew buttons in her eyes to be able to live in the other world. But Coraline doesn't want that. She starts to get scared of her other mother and father with button eyes and tries to escape them.....
Did I mention-The other mother has 3 forms? CREEPY

Then it just gets EVEN MORE INTENSE...
The adventure piles up like 3/4 of the way into the movie.
Any ways....I love it but it gave me nightmares when I first watched it like 6 years ago...?
-Speaking of nightmares....Last night I didn't get to sleep until 12:40 because I had the Coraline theme song STUCK IN MY HEAD and mind was making me feel so QUEASY!!! It's hard to explain...

*Shudders* FREAKY!
Oh yea forgot to mention. The other mother makes a doll for Coraline that she spies through to see whats making Coraline's life BAD. CREEPY!

The production behind this all (Laika) have made  A lot of other stop motion movies you may know like...

  • Fantastic Mr fox
  • Paranorman
  • Frankenweenie
  • The box trolls
  • Tim Burton's corpse bride
  • Etc...

Okay, so I have this new thing that probably all of you must be familiar with by now. And yes....I have kind of copied it from a YouTube channel called "Smosh"
 Yea...I'm totally not guilty  
*Cradles in corner* 
Okay, well I wanted to do this on my blog cause it's a really smart idea and Smosh is AAHHHHH MY FAVOURITE YOUTUBERS EVEEERRRR!!!!!
Don't judge 

So It's called 
Every (*blank*) Ever.
So my one for this week is going to be.....Every Family Ever.....
*Fingers crossed* y'all like it!

The over protected family: 
My sister does this to mum
Yes, this is my family. The don't let me go out alone, are extremely protective and won't let my sister go out with her friends or go to school prom's etc....

The *Tries to be cool* family:
This is the family which kind of try impress friends and think they're being cool and stuff but really -_- they're just embarrassing themselves.

The *I don't care what you do, just get out of my sight* family:
Yea...this is the family that don't care what you d, they just want you to stay out of their way. Sort of like...I bet you if you asked
 "Hey so dad, there's like this party that has alcohol...."
"You can go son."
The party my sister can never go to....
"Thanks dad! You're the best."
Like seriously. I know some of my sisters friends who have parents like this...
I'd say "No son of mine is..blah blah etc"

The *I can't let you grow up!* family:
This kind of relates to my mum. Its all like "Oh my darling, I don't want you to grow up yet!"
And well face's life. Sorta like my grandpa's just like
 "Wanna go to the park and feed the ducks?" and I'm like
"Uh no" (Cause I kinda don't want to go to the park and feed ducks with my grandpa who has really awkward pauses and silences.....) anyway he says..
"But you used to love doing that when you were younger!"
"Grandpa *puts hand on shoulder* I'm not YOUNG ANYMORE!"

Last one....

The *Bring your new friend home so we can see!* family:
Now this is weird right? I mean I see this in movies and I'm literally LOL but it can be awkward. Basically you bring home a friend and the parents are all like feeding you so much stuff and asking you really weird questions and they act like they're trying to be YOUR FRIEND!? mum has done this in the past A LOT!

I mean, the Every (*Blank*) Ever thing is better if you watch it on YouTube but was time for a new blog change. I'll probably get bored of this sometime and move on or something....Anyways....Tell me which one of these parents are yours? If they aren't any of these...just tell me what they are. 
