Sunday 2 November 2014


Its Week 4 at school now and I'm freaking out!! 
Speeches in two weeks!
Can you believe that?
Well believe it or not, its real.

As I said before I'm freaking out by the fact that speeches are in two weeks but to be honest I'm actually excited! It's not really that scary because you're just talking in front of a bunch of people that you have known for now probably a year or more. Its basically like talking to you're friends but in a different way. I am organized for my speech and hopefully It will go well and I wont have a random Spazz attack before I start it. In the past few years I have had some luck on my side. I got into the speech competitions with my "Why cats are better than dogs speech", "The many faces of Mr Bean speech" and "How to come overcome your fear of speeches speech". I don't know if this year my speech is the WOW factor but who knows. 

This year I'm going to try not pace back and forth on the stage a lot. I know I did this in Room 9 for my speech a bit so I'm not going to make the same mistake again this year. I think to prevent this happening I should probably just stay calm and relax my feet. I might walk a little bit but in a casual way.
Just for a bit of speech advise . . . . DON'T FREAK OUT! STAY POSITIVE like my friend Unikitty!!!!!!! And don't look up at the ceiling or down at the floor when saying it.

 So . . . . . . . . .Good luck on your speeches!!