Sunday 12 October 2014

The Maze runner

The holidays are now officially over!!!!!!!
They were awesome and Id do anything to have them again. 
Even though most of the time I was just sitting and watching Anastasia do homework it was pretty fun. The best thing I did in the holidays was see THE MAZE RUNNER! If you haven't seen this then you have to because it is that good. Its about a boy called Thomas who is stuck in this maze with some other people and are trying to find a way out.
 Everyday the maze gates open so that people called the runners can go and see if they can find a way out. If they don't make it back to the campsite in time, the maze gates will close and they will be trapped in the maze and get killed by these gross this is the maze monsters called grievers.This is the maze. they are stuck in the middle of it and

 In the end they find a way out thanks to Thomas and discovered that they had been put in the maze so it could challenge them for something. The only negative thing about this movie is that it ends with a cliff-hanger so there is bound to be another movie of this. My favourite character in the movie is this little chubby boy called chuck who gets shot at the end :( But overall It was a great but scary movie that I would defiantly watch again!

Tell me what you guys got up to in the holidays?