Saturday 11 April 2015

im kinda bored . . . . . .

OK This is weird that I'm posting something that's not on the task sheet . . . . . . .  BUT I'M SUPER BORED AND HAVE NOTHING TO DO!!!


I'm different I guess you could say. My religion has Easter after the week of English Easter which is pretty weird. Instead of yummy chocolate Easter eggs you just receive a plain old boring boiled egg covered in red dye. How exciting (yawn). SO I had to go to Greek church on Friday night from 7pm to 9:30pm and all it was were PEOPLE SINGING GREEK SONGS. I tried my best to keep my eyes open for most of it because it was not that interesting. The Greek "choir" (as they claim to be)   were kind of terrible singers in a way. It was a bunch of ladies in their late 70's that sung Greek, church songs but they just could not reach the bottom notes which made Anastasia (my sister) sort of laugh.

The Greek priest randomly dragged my sister and I up the front of the whole entire church to throw flowers around this decorated coffin thing. As we were waiting for his signal to start throwing the flowers, the priest just started cracking his knuckles. I was thinking "WHAT KIND OF A PRIEST CRACKS HIS KNUCKLES IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CHURCH??". When my sister noticed him doing it she tried so hard not to laugh. By the time he finished cracking his knuckles, my sisters face was all red from the secret laughing (hehe!). I told my dad about what the priest was doing in church and dad said sarcastically, "Maybe he's a COOL priest, eh?"

Saturday was different. We just went in the morning for an hour and a bit then left.
 SO MY EASTER WAS PRETTY GOOD! I ended up receiving three Easter eggs in the end and a candle! Remember how I said at the beginning how we don't actually get proper Easter eggs . . . . . .   WELL WE SORT OF DO but the red eggs our the main thing for Greek easter. I ate one yesterday and it was surprisingly good :).

I don't even know if anyone has bothered to go onto the blog and read this post so please if you have read this then write a post on your blogs so i can read them!!! Tell me how your Easters went??