Sunday 13 September 2015



Hello and welcome back to another one of my posts.
At the end of my post I was supposed  to have a collab with someone.....
But I'm changing that for next week because today I would like to do MOVIE TALK TIME because I saw TWO awesome movies in the weekend!

I guess lets start!
So here are my two favourite pieces of art                               🍟--🍔

This is my one that I did with Sharon! ( ◑‿◑) I think that it looks pretty cool! Thanks Sharon for being my buddy for this one!

I actually don't know who did this...BUT It's my favorite. Whoever did this...WELL DONE! I just think that it was well thought out and It's just one beautiful piece of art!

Okie Dokie!
I'm going to share my experience with y'all about art week....

My mum when she saw the glue on my dress....

Dear Diary:
Today I worked with a bunch of people with paper mache stuff on the space man. I got glue ALL OVER MY DRESS! I tried to act cool about it....but inside I knew what was going to happen.....My mother got hysterical about it and starting freaking out! 

Dear Diary:
Even though my dress JUST got cleaned yesterday...I got more glue on it. But that doesn't matter anymore. I'm having so much fun! I did a lot of things on the space man.... I even watched it get stabbed by a pair of scissors.....

Dear Diary:
I have nothing to do....
Everyone has taken over things and I seem to be left over...So I do some quizzes online since it's the last day of the art thing. I really hope everything tonight goes well :)
Bye forever..........


Welcome back.....
Now the two movies that I saw in the weekend were...
Like do you know HOW MUCH I've wanted to go see paper towns?
My parents decided to let us see two of our favored movies because of some stuff that we did to please them :)

This movie was really disappointing
ONE: Quentin had a really bland voice
TWO: Margo was too quiet
THREE: There wasn't enough MYSTERY like there was in the book!!!!
FOUR: I didn't get to see John Green in the background in one of the scenes where he goes into his cameo....He explained that on his you tube channel......
FIVE: In the book she has 11 things to do but in the movie she says she only has 9 things to do??

Now, this movie was incredibly LONG but incredibly AMAZING!
Mum and I were literally JUMPING our of our seats at ALL the scary bits.
One of the scary bits was when they were like in this underground house thing and there were all these clothes and blankets on the ground and then they stumbled upon a HUGE cage thing with toys stuck all over it......that made mum and I curious.....And then Minho turned on ALL the lights and this little girl with blood oozing out of her mouth and NO EYES JUMPED IN THE SCREEN and made this HORRIBLE SCREECHING SOUND! People who have seen know what I mean ;)

Oh and then there was this other bit where they were in an underground sewer thing and a rat came out (mum covered her eyes at this bit - she despises rats) and they just watched the rat walking until this creature called a crank grabbed the rat and crunched off its head. And gee that freaked us BOTH out because of the sound effects they put in. MY sister was  covering her ears like THE WHOLE TIME!

One last part-
Lol I remember this part..
Dad did not get this part...
This is the scene with the glass.
Thomas was with this girl called Brenda that was helping them out and they were running away from the crank creatures....Anyway....The girl fell onto this slab of glass that was facing downwards (I'll insert a picture or gif) and then the glass started to CRACK! But then when the human but NOT human creature fell on the glass and started tackling her... the glass DIDN'T CRACK EVEN THOUGH THERE WAS TWICE THE BODY WEIGHT ON THE IT!? So Thomas smashed the glass... That makes no sense what so ever.
Just go and see the movie and you'll see...
OH and a question for a girl named Teresa....
Why in the world would you BETRAY THOMAS??????

Thanks SO MUCH for reading!
Comment below whether you've seen either of the movies or how you felt about the betrayal ...?

Press the link below for the BTS of the movie
Watch BTS of The scorch Trials 2015