Sunday 8 November 2015

✿♥That one book I loved as a youngster...♥✿


This blog post is going to be all about books that I fell in love with as a youngster. Now I wasn't much of a reader back then so I only had like 3 series that I liked. And....I know I picked a series that EVERYONE knows about but HEY, whatever. I liked this series and I hope YOU DO TOO.

My favorite book when I was younger was....
Now, I was going to do Nanny Piggins but I kind of did that last year so yea....

Okay Now I have a special guest who has come to help me explain a bit about that book. Please welcome my very good friend....

Wormtail: Hello everyone!
Me: Now before we start, we'd just like to say...
Both: Please do not copy this idea
Wormtail: JINX!
Me: *Rolls eyes* Lets just start now shall we?

Wormtail: So...there once was a boy called harry...
Me: His parents we're killed by this nose-less villain called Voldemort.
Wormtail: And this Voldemort guy is my master!
Me: *Coughs* Lets not get off topic here..hmm?
Wormtail: *Ducks head down in embarrassment*       

Me: So the main thing about this story is that Harry potter is a young boy who is accepted into a school for witches and wizards
The golden TRIO aka Uhh..3 friends?
Wormtail: There, harry meets his bff's Ron and Hermione. And together they try to figure out cool mysteries, go on adventures and they kill the people that killed Harry's pare...
Me: *Face palm* WORMTAIL! You've just spoiled it for basically everyone who hasn't read the series yet!

Wormtail: Who wouldn't have read the series already?
Me: Pff I know right! Uhh..why am I agreeing with you?
Me: Anyways, Harry is basically loved by everyone (except like all the Slytherin people like Draco and Snape etc..
Wormtail: What if people don't know what a Slytherin is?
Me: Ohh, I didn't think about that....
Wormtail: Ha, shame

Me: Don't you "HA" me you filthy rat! Oh did I mention that Wormtail here can change into a rat? Gross, I know right.
Wormtail: How rude considering you're just a muggle!
Me: Muggles are non magical people btw.

Wormtail: So Harry potter is a non lovable character that Voldemort has tried to kill several times but failed...
Voldemort: HOW DARE YOU! I try my best to kill Mr Potter!
Me: Well you failed like a million times!
Me: Plus, whenever you do eventually trap him and get round to killing him YOU NEVER DO! And you know why, cause your too occupied with torturing him and stuff.

Wormtail: This isn't going to end well...
Voldemort: You know what..muggle? AVADACADABRA!

Me: Did I mention Harry potter has lots of weird spells in it like AVADACADABRA?
Voldemort: Huh, why didn't that spell work? It was supposed to kill you...?
Me: Mwahahaha! Because lord voldemort I am Harry potter. And you can never kill me!
Voldemort: You've pranked me this whole time!
Me/Harry: That's right...

Dun dun DUN!
Oh my gawd. 

YAY! So I started reading Harry Potter when I was like 10 or 9 years old...? And I only got up to the 6th book cause they get sooooo boring after book 3! Well that's my opinion...               
He's so happy to be here XD

 I'm having a Q & A with Voldemort.

Me: So Voldemort, someone asked, "Why do you want to kill Harry?"
Voldemort: Well, you see, there was a prophecy that a chosen one would kill me when I was older, and It was him...
Me: Right....Another person asked "Why do you have no nose?"
Voldemort: I can't even remember myself! Oh wait...
*Types up "Why does voldemort have no nose?" on internet.*
Ah here we go! I drink a potion, which is brewed by Wormtail and is taken periodically, which consists of unicorn blood and Nagini's venom. The vemon which helped keep me alive would have made me appear more snakelike.  So there you go. I have no nose because I wanted to look like a snake.

Me: ...
Voldemort: What?
Me: Nothing...It's just weird.
Me: OKAY! Last question! What's something you'd like to say to all of your fans out there?
Voldemort: Well, If you don't succeed, try again. And if you don't succeed after that...Well KEEP TRYING! Never give up.
*Looks at watch* Now I have an appointment to attend with my psychiatrist.
Me: For what?
Voldemort: For my mental killing issues...
Me: You mean with Harry..?
Voldemort: Yes

Long post, yes, I know!

I guess none of you would know what Voldemort and I are talking about unless you've read the books...
Who's you're favorite HP character? 
He actually does this in the movie...