Sunday 8 June 2014


This term we've been learning how to do Gymnastics at Nairnville. Most of the stuff is super easy but some things are not easy at all for me. At the beginning of Nairnville we have a little warm up game to get our bodies moving. We then do some stretches (for me its tricky) and then get put into 3 groups. 

 There are 3 activities to complete. Each activity is for 11 minutes each and so once we finish the one we are on we do a rotation to the next activity. This sounds super confusing but its really easy (probably because Ive been down to Nairnville in the past years, heaps of times)! 

What I really liked about This Gymnastics session at Nairnville is the part where you get to do hand stands. I think I have really improved in them and my friends also say so too!

But also there is one other thing that has been awesome which was this sort of air-mat that you can bounce on and do cool stuff on. The challenging part for me was doing a sort of exercise you had to learn off by heart and do it in time with the person in front or behind you. I was terrible at it!