Monday 1 December 2014


THE YEAR IS ALMOST FINISHED! (nooooooooooooo!!)
It's been awesome being a year 7 and Term 4 has been amazing!
Nothing much has happened in term four except for a few things.
My very favorite high lights for term 4 would have to be:

  • Being able to play and learn CRICKET!
  • Learning JAPANESE!
  • Doing the SPEECHES!
  • Going on the RETREAT hosted by challenge 2000.
  • Making the most epic pillow ever at TECH! The weird thing about this was that I didn't think my mum would put my pillow on our couch but she did! 
  • And last of all . . . . learning about SPACE!! This topic has been the coolest topic at school so far and I've learnt heaps of things from it.