Sunday 15 February 2015


I have to admit I'm actually really glad to be back to school because I had absolutely nothing to do in the holidays but read and draw. But now I'm back in the school system and I have plenty of work to do. The first couple of weeks at school have been really good and I enjoy being in Room 12 again. I sit next to Caitlin who Is really funny and friendly. I sit across Riley and JL who are actually really loud and annoying sometimes. The task system has been easy to pick up again and I am managing my time really well. Last year as a year seven in the first week of school I got the task sheet and there was like 5 tasks only on the sheet. When I saw this I was thinking "WHAT! OH MY GOSH THIS IS SO MANY TASKS, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FINISH THIS ALL!!"
This year in the first week of school when I got the task sheet I thought "What? This is only a few tasks. This is going to be easy!"

Some of the good points about the task system is that it helps me to manage my time really well and I know it will help prepare me for college for when I get a tone of work and don't know when to do it all. Some of the challenges of the task system is that I get lots of tasks sometimes and don't know how and when to complete it all.

If there were anything to change to how the class was run I would suggest
1. More independent work (to prepare for college)
2.Lots of Projects to complete
3.More writing stories and essays
and finally . . . . .
4. The class should always celebrate on people birthdays with candy, food etc.
(The last option isn't actually necessary, just a fun idea)

I wouldn't change anything to how the school is run because I think It's great the way it is!
I shall be back to write my next post soon . . . . . . .  Just remember to keep calm and love PIGEONS!! (AND CATS!)