Sunday 26 July 2015


Ola amegos!
A welcome to another post!

 Just before I get onto topic......I'd just like to say that who ever is reading this PLEASE don't be afraid to comment because no matter WHO YOU ARE you don't need be afraid to comment. I'm sound pretty desperate..... And one more thing, THIS IS MY 50TH POST! So happy 50th post anniversary!
Moving on.................

Believe it or not I have A LOT of memories that I could share with you today. But there can only be one. So please bear with me and enjoy! I'm actually taking for ever to think here.....

I'm fortunate to still have both sets of my grandparents alive. Unfortunately my grandma (Dads mother)  isn't doing so well so I'd like to have a moment of silence on my blog........

My memory today that I will be sharing is with my mothers set of parents.
They are so kind and funny!
My grandpa is quite the character though......And he acts like a child sometimes.
This happened on Sunday (Yesterday if your reading this on the day I posted it) and at Greek committee called "The mytilenians" which is a island on Greece. They organize fun events but unfortunately the committee is decreasing in size. Less and less people come. But our family and grandparents still support it very much. Dad was on the committee board for 12 years. But now he has resigned because of my sick grandma :(

So mum, Stace and I walked into the small room and found about only 10 people there. It was quite depressing. Dad couldn't come because he was cleaning my OTHER grandpa's house which is quite a bit of a mess.......... SO, I said hello to everyone and sat down on a table. Since there was nothing to do I just played some games on my tablet (How rude of me......)

We'd been waiting for 10 minutes for more people to come and THEN someone made  A BIG entrance.....
My aunt-well technically shes my grandpa's cousin.....shes like him-childish and rude. So she made this BIG ANNOUNCMENT in greek saying "HELLO!" to all of us and then her shy husband walked a few steps behind her. I don't blame him. She can get VERY aggresive at times. This is what happened when she saw us: BTW HER NAME IS MARIA. (This was all said in Greek)
Maria:  HI girls!
Us: Hi.....
Maria: Come give me a hug and kiss now!
Us: Shuffling around to try get to her.
Anastasia: Hi auntie Maria
Maria: Smacks kiss of her cheek.
Maria: Wheres my little Katerina?
Maria: Tries to get past table to get to me.

Me: Hi Auntie Maria.
Maria: Smacks sloppy kiss on my cheek.

Me: Rubs it off while no ones looking......

Anyway this isn't about her! Whenever my family all comes together, WE LAUGH A LOT. MY grandparents are just HILARIOUS! They knock my socks off. So we had a moment of silence for those who had died and MARIA kept on talking to the lady next to her! Then everyone was like "SHHHHH"
After the moment of silence had ended, Maria shrugged her arms and muttered something in Greek like "What was that for?" 

After we played 4 games of bingo! It was super fun. My grandpa leaned across the table and whispered towards me and Anastasia. "If either of you win, choose the bottle of wine as a prize and give it to me.." And I won two rounds! Everyone looked pretty annoyed that I won two in a row. And so the first round I chose some lindor chocolates (YUM!) And then the second round I chose......A BOTTLE OF WINE!
All the old people started laughing when I picked it. Then I lay it slam down in front of grandpa. He pushed it back towards me and said, "It's ok, you have it." 
 Mum kept on saying, "Ooo this is good wine!"

When half time break came. Everyone went to go and get coffee's and food to eat. I just got a piece of cake and some teropita (Greek food that is VERY YUMMY) that my grandma had made. While I was eating Maria stood up to go and get her food. When she stood, the whole TABLE LITERALLY nearly fell over and all the cups (Which were THANKFULLY empty) Fell over! 

When Maria returned, her plate was literally piled high with LOTS OF FOOD. And then the lady next to her just gawped. Between mouthfuls Maria said, "You can call me fat if you want to but I haven't had lunch OR breakfast!"  Anastasia nearly choked on her food from laughter!

At the end of the bingo, my grandpa GRABBED my wine bottle and placed it under his arm and walked away. So I went up to mum and asked, "Did you still want that wine?"
Then she said, "Of course!"
"OH.....Grandpa's kinda got it..."
Then my grandma noticed him holding it and started shouting. At first I thought she was telling him off because he cut a piece of cake off with his hands......BUT THEN I realized what was happening.
Anastasia: Grandma, he can have it if he likes!
Grandma: Oh no darling he doesn't need it, hes a little bit dumb.
And she ACTUALLY SAID THAT! I wish y'all were there. It was just soooooo FUNNY

Then my grandpa slid his cap on fiercely and didn't talk to her at all.
A LOT of other things happened that day........I told some people but It may not be ummm.......suitable to talk about on my blog....If you want to know you can ask me in person. BUT IT WAS SUPER WEIRD!
So yea! That's one memory that I will never forget!
One other thing. I asked mum about how grandpa was coping and she said that my grandma shouted at him for criticizing Maria's husbands clothes.......

So I kind of feel like there's no need for a FLASH BACK MOMENT this week because that kind of was like one. And yea! Thank you all for reading my 50th post! I really appreciate you commenting and reading. You are all just SO nice and kind that I could never do it with out you!
I really hope my grandpa learns how to act more mature next Bingo.....
One more thing, everything we said to each other was in Greek because it was A GREEK COMMITTEE!   Remember to comment, no matter who you are!