Sunday 23 August 2015

⚽️BADMINTON.....How it all went....... ⚽️


Sup people.
Umm….well if you haven't gotten the "message" yet….
I'm not going to be saying "hello" in different languages anymore because…..

ONE: Well i think EVERYONE is doing it now
TWO: I've run out of languages....
THREE: It's fun to try out NEW ideas!

So yep! Now I will be saying hello to y'all in ANIMAL LANGUAGES!!!!
Oh yea and if you haven't seen my post before……THANKS FOR 2000 VIEWS!
Like literally everyone! This means a lot to me and the Weekly Kat.
I know that some posts have been incredibly…idk…long and dragging on and ON?
Well  I'm HOPING *Crosses fingers* that today's post won't drag on!
Let's roll into it! 

OK, well I will be talking to y'all about the SPORTS FEST!
I am SO excited about going there and playing BADMINTON!!!!
To be honest though......I don't actually know the rules to the game.....?

I mean sure I know how to HIT the shuttle cock but I have no idea how the game is really played? Anyways.....I'm looking forward to having a good time and just having some really good fun!

To help my team to enjoy the day is basically not be a bossy person and to be a good sport. Also I will encourage them and tell them some funny stories to help lighten up the mood!

So I will be back on Wednesday for a recap of WHAT HAPPENED!!! Finger crossed that I don't make a fool of myself and play the game well

Other me: was the game-
Please don't- I'm just really tired.
Other me: Can you at least tell the people reading this...?
*Sighs* Yea I guess so....

Me after....10 minutes of the game

So the badminton thingy....
It was good....
And we came 7th in ranking...!
Of course there were only 7 teams....
And of course Raroa came first because they're SO naturally talented. 

I mean what can I say!?
Me after 2 hours
Yea I had a good time and so did my team but I'm just super tired and dehydrated :(
 Oh yea - haha I just remembered something!
So we were playing a warm up game which is kinda hard to explain....BUT ANYWAYS......I was going to hit the shuttle cock but instead I ACCIDENTALLY SMASHED MY RACKET INTO THIS BOYS FACE- Erm here's what happened...

*Moves around to hit shuttle cock*
Me: I'm gonna get this!
*Boy clutches face*
Boy: * Still clutches face* Umm it's ok
*The room erupts with "OOOS!"
*I feel my face heat up*
Me: Dude like seriously SORRY!
Boy: Ugh, ITS FINE! 
I was kinda expecting him to cry or something but he was good and just shook it off. Gee I feel sorry for that kid....
Oh and in the game I was up against the BEST KID in the room who just SMASHED the shuttle cock over the racket and I said out loud "DUDE? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET THAT!" And then I saw a few people sneering. I was guttered that I nearly cried. My voice was on the verge of tears.
This is what it sounded like:

 "B-but th-that's not f-fair!"

I should really toughen up!
We all get nervous.........
OK well a massive thanks to my team for being there and supporting me and thank you to Claire for teaching me how to play! And a massive big thanks to ALL the teachers (especially Miss Higgins) that organized this! 

One more thing before we go.....
I forgot to mention - At the beginning of each game I would just get really nervous and dizzy and not be able to hit....I think that's what let my team down...I let the nerves get the best of me.

I posted this a few minutes ago then realized that I hadn't answered the questions! Ok so i think that the sport organizers did an AMAZING JOB! So hats off to them. Umm...lets make this short-Next time there should be more practices for badminton - especially if you're like me and don't know how to play. But overall that's the only thing! Good job to y'all that played the other sports!


So I haven't watched any recent movies except for Cinderella (The human version) but I already kinda reviewed that a few weeks ago. So I guess that I'm going to make up yet ANOTHER thing to go on this blog. Now, If you're wondering…I'm NOT going to do book reviews because I don't want to copy peoples Ideas - because no one likes a "copy kitty"

Speaking of "Copy kitty's".......
OOO! I have a GREAT way to put it!
This blog is copyright material © 
Yea so just read the message above and follow by the rules please - then we will all be......happy I guess!?

OK so the NEW THING I will be doing it called......
IF I WERE _________ 
So the ____ sign means "Blank"
So for this weeks blog it is.... IF I WERE A PIGEON!!!!
Here is a sneak peek of my daily life as a pigeon....


 Day 13:
Dear Diary,
Today was AWFUL!
Some mean, tall and weird looking creatures called me a "Flying rat"
I was horribly offended. Therefore I made my way to them and BRRRED.
She doesn't like it when you call pigeons "Flying rats!"
I truly feel sorry for these tall unearthly creatures. They mustn't have many friends if they tease so much. 

My fellow pigeon friends and I gathered up for lunch - bread.
We are very lucky that Miss Pigeon lady throws food on the ground for us.
It's quite delicious! But she isn't looking to well....She's been wearing the same clothes for months now and always coughs. I wonder If she is ill?

 Day 18:
Dear Diary
I know what these tall creatures are called!
They seem to be named "Humans"
The name is worse than "Flying rats!"
Today I will be attending the funeral of Miss Pigeon lady.
The humans have even made a statue dedicated to her :(

Once the funeral ended a human came up to me.
I felt afraid and scared, not knowing what she would do .
But this human did not harm me - nor call me a horrid name.
Instead, she lay down a few sprinkles of pigeon seed and walked away.
I looked at her clothes that she was wearing. 
And on the back of these clothes was the name "Katie"

One important message that I'm trying to get through this diary entry is that NO ONE should call people horrid names in which they are not.
This is jack's opinion about the pigeon naming
Saying that a pigeon is a "Flying rat" Is not true. I mean...sure they carry diseases like rats but that DOES not mean people have the right to go and call them that!

I absolutely didn't keepmy word when I said:
"I'm hoping that that today's post won't drag on!"
I mean I don't even NOTICE when It's getting a tad too long while I write blog posts..... Well thanks for reading! Comment whether or not YOU like the pigeons?