Sunday 23 March 2014



We have just completed our statistics unit in class and it was actually quite hard but i learnt a lot out of it.
 The areas of statistics I have improved in are pie graphs and defiantly angles. I am good at the other sort of graphs but pie graphs and angles were tricky at the start.

I don't think I need to improve on much but I think I need to try remember the mean, median, mode and range.
 I had done them quite a lot with Mrs Bourne a lot but forgot all the time!
 The thing I learnt from this unit and made me improve and teach me how to do it were pie graphs and angles. 
They are confusing at first sight but absolutely simple after. Now that I know them I look back and think 'How can I have not known these before they are so easy' It was a good unit and helped me learn a lot more then before.