Sunday 17 May 2015


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OK, so every post I do I'm gonna try say a greeting from another language! And I'm announcing something else I'm doing soon later if you scroll down.....  

Hey everyone I'm back, and as you can tell from the title ^ I will be talking about the responsibilities I am currently doing this year! I am a librarian, enviro leader and a road patroller! I've had a lot of fun doing these jobs and I will share more with you all now.........

OK! So this is my first time doing library and it is really cool and also really fun! I have really enjoyed working with penny and my classmates! I've helped students in this role by telling them where the series of certain books are. I remember a few weeks ago, Sharon's little sister came up to me and asked really cutely, "Katerina, do you know where the spider wick series are?" SHE WAS SO ADORABLE!!! And so I tried to find them abut they were NO WHERE TO BE FOUND! dun.. dun.. dun.... What I have learnt about in this role is how to issue/return books and how to shelve them away! I also learnt one valuable lesson...... TIDY THE LIBRARY..... Whenever the bell rings to go back to class, the library is a MESS and I'm always the one who has to clean up because my fellow librarians that help me leave early to go play..... I LOVE doing this job and I wouldn't change anything about it! When I'm older I want to be a librarian for a while as a starter job so this is preparing me for it!

I actually only found out about a week go that I was an enviro leader! I was OVER THE MOON when I found out about this because I've been chasing after this job for a while now since room 8 when Anthony bet me!!!! I haven't done anything yet for Enviro but I'm really looking forward to taking on this responsibility and yea! I think that being an enviro leader will be a good way to tell children not to litter and to care for the environment.

I've been doing this role for a VERY long time now. I have been doing road patrol on FRIDAY SINCE LAST YEAR! I would really like a break with this job but sometimes you've just got to do what's right I guess. I have enjoyed doing this job because I think that it's so important to not have kids just roaming on the street without any guidance. I think that it helps kids because of their safety. OK that makes no sense what so ever does it? SORRY! If I were to change ANYTHING maybe it might be..... TO CHANGE THE ROSTER SO SOME PEOPLE CAN MAYBE HAVE A BREAK MORE FREQUENTLY (hint hint). Hehe sorry about that but I guess that's my theory!

Just a little thing to remind every STAY SAFE AND DO NOT JAY WALK BECAUSE ITS VERY BAD AND I USED TO DO IT WHEN I WAS YOUNG (and had no knowledge) SO STAY SAFE! 

I might introduce this thing to my blog called a 
"flash back memorywhen I tell you guys something that happened to me related to a post that I have written. Comment if you think if its a good or bad idea?

Flash back memory....
So you know how I mentioned library back up in my post? Well once I went to a book store (like a library) when I was about 4 years old. I remember mum was buying something for Stace and I got so caught up in looking at this book that I LOST MY MUM! I cried and started looking EVERYWHERE for her until a lady that worked there calmed me down and looked for her with me. It turns out that my mum was at the BACK of the store where i DIDN'T LOOK! But... I really don't regret the day because...... I GOT A RAINBOW LOLLIPOP FOR BEING SUCH A BRAVE GIRL FROM THE LADY! HORAY!!

Well that was my Flashback moment i thought of while writing this so.... yay!
Thanks for reading and please comment to tell me about YOUR flashback moment you had while reading this!!!