Monday 16 November 2015

Hooray for book week..



Yet another day...
Well a little story for y'all.
In the weekend...I was extremely devastated. I cried more than a waterfall. It was a bad day for me. You see, I have this app called "Goodreads" which lets you find new books, lets you start a reading list of "To read" and "Read" and it also lets you add people etc...

This app is basically my life (And youtube + WCL app)
I had SO many books on my to read list. 
And then my account was disabled.
I changed my password and POOF it was gone.
Of course there was a reason of changing my password but it's hard to explain cause it has got something to do with buying like a new device and stuff...

Here is what happened.

Me: Dad...DAD
Dad: What, have you logged in?
Me *Eyes burn up* It's gone
Dad: What?
Dad: Try a different password
Me: *Tries different password and fails*

By that point I kind of told him that I wanted to kill someone. Yea...I was really upset. Goodreads is the app that made me start finding books that I love.

10 minutes later...

So I delete something on the tablet which happened to be disabling my account. And I ended up receiving my reading progress and to read books back. I tell you, my smile was shining brighter than the sun. 

I have to talk about 3 things in books week (Hooray)

So I won't bother explaining who she is because y'all already know etc...
What I liked about her was that she was so enthusiastic and nice. I don't know but some how listening to her speak about her passion sorta like soothed me in a way. She had really great advice and stuff.

Yea, I tried reading the "10 pm question" but (no offense) I kinda "dozed" off. I gave it 20 pages and then moved onto a book that was type of thing. In class that ACB book is pretty good. EH....NEXT THING!!!! 

The stampede to get the ticket...
There was chaos throughout this whole thing. When someone would see a ticket on the blog the same person (Not naming) would scream like "I'M GETTING IT, I'M GETTING IT!" and it would kinda get on my nerve. But HEY, I eventually did end up getting one thanks to the help of Sharon. THANKS :)

I think it was a great and fun idea. The only bad thing about it was the annoying loud people who would cause an earthquake by running out of the room. 
COUGH COUGH.....(Persons name inserted).

This was probably the funnest thing! 
I was extremely lucky to be part of the YR 8 team for Brigidene (I hope I spelt that right :/)
The only reason how I got in was cause Claire was sick so I filled in for her. THANKS CLAIRE! 

Pff...BRIGIDENE WON PEOPLE!!!!!! OH YEA! We got like...1000 and something points..?
Umm but someone.....COUGH COUGH...(Persons name inserted) told someone that we cheated????? And how did we cheat may I ask...?
Well apparently 1 team was supposed to consist of 2 yr 7's and 2 yr 8's. But we had 3 yr 8's and1 yr 7. Therefore the Year 7/8 team was disqualified. I mean COME ON! NONE OF US KNEW THAT INCLUDING THE HOUSE CAPTAINS! It's so unfair. Everyone was guttered including myself. This was the one thing Bridigene actually won and deserved.

I shall move on to my next section...

Let's change that to....


The tries too hard to be cool teacher:
I swear this is how they walk
OKAY, so this teacher is like what I said above. Tries too hard to be cool. They bring in like stuff for the class and try be funny and join in with the kids but NUH UH. They ain't cool. I've never had a teacher like tha.......well.... maybe a few years ago....hehehehehe

The "SWAG" teacher
OH THAT'S RIGHT! I know someone who reminds me of this. They like are SOOOO vain (ish) and think they're like totally cool. And their walk is even worse. I call it THE SWWAAAGGG walk. 

The MEAN teacher
We've probably all had one of these..?
I mean I have. This is the teacher that is just makes you work until you drop dead like a fly. If you have an answer for something and it's correct the mean teacher will find find something about that answer that's NOT correct. 

The SERIOUS teacher:
I swear to god this is the worst teacher ever.
Even if someone cracks the funniest joke their face will remain sullen. They never smile which is why when they do smile it leaves creases. So SERIOUS TEACHERS....Don't be like grumpy cat. Turn that frown upside down. Y'all can never take a joke...Psh

Last one...

The seriously creepy teacher....
Umm....well me and my friends once had an issue with this. I won't go on.
This teacher is like really...creepy. The might take pictures of you (This has happened to me once before) and they might get really close up to you. I tell you, they're the most creepiest people I've ever met. But please, if you do have a creepy teacher then tell someone before things get out of hand. And I'm serious here. It's the worst feeling to know you can't sleep at night with a creepy image of that teacher inside your head. *Shivers*

Okay well...
My eyes are straining to keep open. 
I've had a really rough day.
Ugh, first that math and then reading lesson and then speeches...WHAT NEXT???
So...Even though no one bothers to answer my question THEN PLZ TRY ANSWER THIS..

Which one of these teacher have you had in the past?

A:The tries too hard to be cool teacher:
B:The "SWAG" teacher
C:The MEAN teacher
D:The SERIOUS teacher:
E: The seriously creepy teacher....

My answers are:

Okay, well don't be afraid to comment. CAUSE I KNOW WHO YOU ARE...
Actually I don't but I feel empty when people just read and don't comment. I need y'all to share you're ideas with meeeee.