Monday 27 October 2014

The Big Bang Theory

This term we are learning about space! The last time I did this was in room 10 and we made spaceships made out of cardboard and stuff. Anyway . . . . . I've learnt so much and Its only been 2 or 3 weeks! The most interesting thing that I've learnt about so far is the big bang theory which really made me think. What interested me about this was that I never knew how the world was actually formed and I just thought that the big bang theory was just this comedy show that my mum watches.The Big Bang Theory But it isn't!

 I learnt that scientists believe that something small was in he middle of the universe and it just burst and created the whole world but then a question came to me and I wondered "If the big bang made the world then where did God come from and wasn't he the one who created the world? "
I thought about this for ages and asked my mum but she just said "Katerina just don't think about that stuff". So I didn't
but I still wonder now, this minute.