Monday 17 March 2014


 I just went to EOTC week and my thoughts are crazy! It was super fun but challenging.
The most challenging activities were sailing, kayaking and walking up mt kaukau.
The reason why is because sailing is quite hard to control when your about to crash into another boat and kayaking is so hard because I kept on crashing into the bushes and 
the water slide! Mt Kaukau is hard because I hardly walk up it and it was a challenge for me but I did it!

The easiest thing was trip Capital E because all i had to do was act out for the camera 
but its actually quite hard when your nervous like I was! EOTC week was defiantly not what I expected. The reason why is because I thought it wouldn't be that fun but boy was I wrong! Funnest things I've done in my life!!! My proudest moment was when I was on tv at capitol e and now its on youtube! My favourite moment was when I got to do campfire cooking because ive never cooked over a fire before.
In the end it was amazingly fun and a good experience!