Sunday 22 November 2015

Only a few more months until...COLLEGE

Hello there everyone!

Oh my gosh..!
COLLEGE is only like....A FEW MONTHS AWAY!
Believe or not I am SUPER excited!

But my mum is not ready to let me go. She said to me  
This is American college
"Oh darling I think you'll miss your old school a lot, i don't think you're ready!"
But I said, 
"Mum, I have been looking forward to this moment MY WHOLE LIFE! I am TOO EXCITED to be moving schools!"

She was pretty sad...
But yea It's true. I've been waiting since the beginning of yr 7 to go to college. It's not like I hate this school or anything...It's just sometimes you need a new change. Change is good people :) 

I mean I'm pretty sad about leaving school because it'll be the last time I see some people. Lots of my friends are going to St Mary's. But the other half are going to WGC...still.

 Okay so without further or do...LETS START!

What are some things you want to do/achieve at college?

Some of these books are actually really great :)
Well there are actually a lot of things really.
Firstly, I want to join a sort of ya book club or something cause I love to share book opinions with people and it would just be so fun! My sister put me down a bit and told me that everyone would tease me and I wouldn't be "Cool" but I don't care. Does she really think shes cool....? Nuh uh. A straight dead no.

After the sports day thing when I did badminton with some other classmates I have really wanted to do it in college! I know I'm not great or anything but with progress I shall learn and grow. My sister did a sport called "Bowls" in her first year but I want to do badminton. In fact, I'm pretty sure she is doing it next year to...?

Of course another achievement I want to do Is get a gold award badge thing. If you work hard throughout the year on one subject (Or in a lot) in a particular area, you receive a badge at the end of the year for all the hard work you've done. I remember my sister getting two of these; one is yr 10 and one in yr 9 so *fingers crossed* I will put 100% into everything I do and maybe get a badge! 

What do you look forward to at college?

The answer is everything.
I really want to make lots of new friends that have lots in common with me. Like, I will still be friends with my fellow school people but it's nice to hang out with another crowd too :)
I'm extremely looking forward to having lots of classes and subjects I can take. I chose this one called "Animation and programming" where you can make stop motion and movie type things and I'm extremely keen on doing that!

I really look forward to having to use MY OWN VERY LAPTOP! 
Cause like I can use it whenever and where ever I like.
Plus, at WGC you can all bring different laptops so all Is cool!

One last thing I look forward to is......Btw this is going to sound super cheesy....
I want to meet the WGC cat Tallulah! 
She hangs out in the library and people are free to cuddle and pat her :)
My sister teased me about this. She told me that I'm gonna be such a freak if all I want to do is hang out in the library and pat a cat. Seriously, how does that make you a freak??

What could be challenging?

I guess finding your way around the school can be pretty hard.
But when you get to know it, it'll be alright!
The snooty mean girls that are bound to be at my school...

What else.....?
Hope this isn't me at lunch...
Well I guess fitting in is pretty difficult. If you're different to others than people might not accept you into their friendship circles (Whatever they're called...?). I mean since there are going to be about 200 girls in my year there is bound to be some snobby girls that tease me. But that's just life and you have to roll with it. If someone pokes their face in my business I won't care cause they are the ones starting the trouble. What ever....

I don't think work will be challenging.
Judging from what my sister brings home...
Well lets just say she brings home nothing.
At school now, we have more homework than WGC.
I mean...sure they have to do some essays and study for tests but my at school this year we have had more essays than my sister has had to do. But their ones are much longer....

So...yea :)
I'm not going to do anything at the end of this post. But I am just going to have a chat with y'all and maybe give some hopeful advice!

Lets talk about what we're scared of.
Judgy People?
Finding your way around?  
Not fitting in?

Don't let these worry you. OK, yes I am worried about this but in the end none of it matters. What matters is that you choose your way. You choose who YOU want to be. I'm not gonna let insults 'Drag me down' (Soz, 1D quote, couldn't help myself)
Just ignore them are move on. Personally, what I am going to focus on in college is to try everything at my full level.  I'm not going to try look good, put on silly makeup and do fancy hairstyles...I'm just going to be myself and try my best. Cause seriously, there are SO many girls at WGC that I have seen with their hair down, makeup on and it's not cool. 

I kinda think my sister wants to be one of those people but my mum forbids her from makeup and hair down. Mum thinks all the girls with their hair down are going to catch knits. Smart thinking mum... :)

If you're worried about losing your friends don't be!
You will find someone! My sister met her best friend in the train. 
A girl called Lexi didn't have a train pass so my sister gave her one and then they started chatting and hung out! I mean, my sister lives near LOTS of girls from WGC like they're literally next door. Legit. But she never talks to them. I mean if I had someone attending the same school as me living right NEXT DOOR then I would defiantly talk to them and make friends! 

Well....I could talk on and on about college but I won't spill my fears and hopes out on this blog post. I can't wait to move from school to college. Once again, I like this school but I'm ready for a change :) Don't be nervous for college! My sister spent a whole night stressing herself to sleep (LOL) so don't do that. BREATHE.

Okay well Yr 8's you guys have been like a family to me throughout the school year..
Yr 7's you guys have been like my little siblings, one step behind me. 
Even though this probably isn't the last blog post of the year...

You have all been incredibly amazing and made me feel like I've found my other home. This school is like a sanctuary to me. A place to escape and to learn and forgive :) 
I will be missing everyone dearly but this is not the last time you will see me.

I mean, I actually am not sure I will visit again but you see me here and there.
Thanks for being my other family and other home. Y'all are the best. Be yourself and don't change on thing about yourselves. 
Sigh, 'Why does it take a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye......'
This will not be the last time we say....
Goodbye :)