Monday 27 April 2015

The day we remember the war....... ANZAC day

Welcome back everyone from your holidays!
Its been a while since I've last learnt about WW1 but thank you to Miss Bolger for teaching me more about it. I feel kind of bad about not doing anything for ANZAC day........ I guess its because none of my family went to WW1. But I will talk about what I did do later . . . . . 
Some really informative things that I have learnt about the war was that the Germans (CURSE THEM!!!) were the enemy. OK I know that all of you are probably thinking "WHAT SHE DIDNT KNOW THAT!?" but believe or not ITS TRUE. I also learnt that the ANZACS landed on the wrong island to fight and lots of them died immediately when they first landed. One thing that really surprised me was that apparently in May during the war, they had like a 8 hour interval or something to bury the dead. During those hours, there was no fighting and my mum told me that the ANZACS even talked to the enemy and traded rations and cigars with them. I actually laughed when mum told me this but then I reminded myself of how cruel the war was......
As I said in the beginning, unfortunately I didn't attend any ANZAC day events which makes me feel extremely bad. BUT I CAN SAY THIS..... I WATCHED THE LIGHT SHOW ON MY PIANO TEACHERS PHONE!!! AND IT WAS REALLY COOL! So in a way I sort of celebrated by watching a video on my piano teachers phone. That reminds me, phones weren't even invented in the 1900's. That makes me feel even more guilty....
I think that it is an 100% great idea to commemorate these type of events because its really nice and thoughtful to remember those poor, innocent and young people that fought to protect out country. Its quite sad to think of how lots of men died in this war and how mothers and children were sad that their brothers, uncles or fathers died. 
I hope that everyone feels the way I do about this. And I hope that maybe one, just One of the people that is reading this is thinking "Your not the only one...."
Thanks so much to everyone reading this! 
I hope you all liked this long and hopefully informative post!