Sunday 18 October 2015

My two DREAM JOBS ☆*・゜゚・*\(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆

Hi y'all!
So I think that this weekend was the BEST weekend I've had in forever. And no, it's not because of the school fair (Which was very successful :) But it's because of this AMAZING book that has made it's way to my #2 favorite on the charts. Now, I don't think I'll go into detail about it but here is a quick summary.

Its about a man named Lincoln who works in this office. Every night he has to check peoples emails who have used bad language in them. He stumbles across a conversation between two woman named Beth and Jennifer and he starts to get interested in what they're talking about. Soon he realizes that he's falling for one of them....deeply and little does he know that that person that he likes is working with him and she likes him too! So yea! If you like a sweet, short romance then give this one a go.

 I remember starting it off thinking "Oh gosh this is gonna drag on and on...." and it did but it was A GOOD drag on :) Man I loved seeing Lincoln trying to figure out who his "Mystery girl" was. Btw, this is Rainbow Rowell's FIRST novel and she's written a few others that are ALSO MY FAVORITES. So for Christmas when the presents (Aka, mostly book vouchers) start flowing in....I'm seriosuly gonna buy ALL HER BOOKS.
Sorry the book Crescendo that I was about to buy...:(

So today I shall be talking a bit about my "DREAM JOB!"
I have two choices:

1. Accountant :)
2. Movie Director :)

The reason why these two appeal two me is because my mother is an accountant and it's a useful thing to know. I want to be a movie director because at home my sister and I LOVE making movie trailers and editing them on I-movie and also......MAKING MOVIES ARE SO FUN!!!!!! I mean I don't wanna be an actress but more a movie director cause it seems so fun!

Ok so If I were to take subjects for Directing my choices would be:
1. Photography 
2. Journalism
3. Animation and programming!!!!!
4. Also there is this one subject that you can choose in year 10 or 11....I think?
5. Digital technology  

And for accounting:
1. Accounting (duh)
2. Managing money
3. Maths

It's really stressful to choose subjects. Like since my sister is going into NCEA next year, her and mum were stressing over what she was going to choose. And there is me, who no one cares what I choose even though I'M THE ONE STARTING A NEW LIFE IN COLLEGE!! She gets ALL the attention.

Sorry moving on....
Things that I could do outside of school to help my future job are:
Make more fun movies to help improve directing skills.
Maybe join a club at college to do with camera things.
 Possibly join a math club.....
And that's it :)

So, I have decided that at the end of my post for maybe 1 or 2 weeks I will continue with some of my FLASH BACK MOMENTS. And then the week after this week (gosh confusing) I will have something BRAND NEW! I already know what I'm gonna do but I'm not doing it this week because I've fallen behind on my "To do list" (Not tasks if you're wondering).

Here is my FLASH BACK MOMENT..... 

 Ok I think this one might be a bit short BUT I have a picture that I made to go with it ;)
This was a few weeks ago. As some of you know I like to draw on pictures. Especially cat pictures! My sister and I have competitions to see who's drawings are better (She always wins!!!!!) So with my "amazing" photography skills, I actually took this really cool picture with kitty sticking her tongue out like MILEY CYRUS! sister made this drawing of her as miley which looks AMAZING but it might not be appropriate....but trust me, if you saw it you'd 'Roll On The Floor Laughing'. Rotfl? That's not right....

So with this kitty Miley Cyrus tongue picture I made it into kitty eating Doritos with an Illuminati somewhere on her..? So I showed dad and he was like....

Dad: Hahaha, the poor cat! What have you done to her?
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Me: Shes a dorito dad!
Dad: Yes, I can see that.
Me: Do you see the Illuminati on her?
Dad: What in the world is an Illuminati? 
Me: It's a triangle with an eye in it....
Dad: Echl....  *Dad walks away to bathroom*

But SERIOUSLY! If you heard what dad said at the end that "Elch" You'd be Rolling On The Floor....yea whatever
I don't really know how to pronounce how he said it but it was like '
Eww and Ugh mixed together. So yea! If you wanna see more photos of kitty like fact here is one now >>>>>>>>>

Thanks for reading!
Next week I have something BRAND NEW for y'all :)
Question for you: Do you have a crazy obsession like my drawing on cat pictures thing?
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JAIL CAT (My neighbors cat) BAD TO THE BONE