Sunday 3 August 2014


This term room 11 & 12 are mostly focusing on production and it has been awesome but confusing at the same time!!! I have got a main role in the production and my character is Neon. Neon is a villain and tries to act bad and mean but is actually quite a softy inside. I enjoy playing Neon because number 1, he has a cat called fluffy and I absolutely love cats (everyone should probably know that by now) all shapes and sizes. Neon has a lot of lines to learn and I have defiantly learnt them all because I pushed myself a lot in the holidays and decided to learn 2 scenes per day.

 It was harder than I thought but hey, I managed it! I am in the dance tainted love and I have to learn two parts to it. I am in the dance both nights but I have a sort of solo part on the night I'm playing neon and I'm in the front line of the dance but on the night I'm not playing Neon I'm dancing at the back of the group with no solo. I am coping well with the dance and have learnt the parts that I am supposed to learn. I think that the way to get myself more prepared for the production is to recap over my lines everyday at home. I think I can get others more prepared by talking with them through their lines. The song tainted love is so catchy so press the link to hear it!

Tell me what you guys are doing for the production?