Sunday 24 August 2014


Our new topic this term is about The elections that are coming up and parliament. I never really understood what parliament was about or how the elections have worked but I have learnt a few things from class and my sister is also told me a bit about it (She is learning about parliament in her college, Coincidence!).

 One really interesting fact that I have learnt is that parliament actually comes from the word"parler" in french. This means to talk, to speak and lots of other words that relate to talk. I also found out what MMP stands for ( Mixed Member Proportional). In class we talked a bit about the building part of parliament which were the beehive (also known as the executive wing), The parliament library, the Bowen house and the parliament house.

 Here is a picture of the four buildings

I learnt about the debating chamber and how it is used for lots of things. It can be used for debating people who are in the news and for hosting school things. But it is mostly used for debating (Arguing about a subject in a formal manner). The sovereign (Head of state) Is not allowed to enter the debating chamber due to an issue that happened with a king in the 1800's. This means governor general is not allowed in the debating chamber.

 This is a picture of what a debating chamber looks like.
The debating chamber: layout  
I have learnt heaps of interesting facts about parliament  from just 1 lesson and it all makes sense to me.

Tell me what you guys have learnt about parliament?