Sunday 6 December 2015

Last Post: ꒰⁎ᵉ̷͈ ॣ How I met Mrs Kitty Balloo.... ॢᵉ̷͈⁎꒱໊

I have my eyes on you....

\\\\୧( ⁼̴̶̤̀ω⁼̴̶̤́ )૭ ////
Last blog post EVER!
It's very sad to know that this may indeed be the last post that I do. But maybe next year I might post every term or so often. Maybe...

Anyways, I went onto my blogger and then my eyes literally popped out of my head. I almost had 3000 views! Like yea....some people have way more views... but this means a great deal to me. I am really thankful for everyone who reads my posts even if you're not a comment person (I am watching you...)

So like I said before...
Now...I don't want to talk about what I'm doing for Christmas because the answer is nothing. So I'm going to share something that no one knows apart from me. Most of you know that I am in love with a cat that is not mine.  You all know her as "Kitty" but that is not her real name....I thought that in this post I'd finally tell you the story of how I met my best friend.

(Before I start, I tried putting pictures up of kitty but not many of them would work...I'll see If I can fit some on soon.)

It was the morning before swimming...
The sky was dark and ominous. I was making my breakfast dreading the day ahead of me. I think it was 2010 April the something....? Well anyways...

I heard this beautiful meow and saw a little face pop out of no where. It was the most beautiful ginger cat my eyes had ever seen. She was a little kitten, her yellow eyes wide with worry and fear. So I went outside and said in a really high pitched animal "cooing" voice "Hi!" She backed away from me scared but that didn't stop me from getting closer.

Then my sister came outside to see what I was cooing over. She saw the little kitten and yelled for dad to come down. So dad came down and he was all over her. He pulled her into his arms and brought her upstairs for my mum to see. I remember the exact words he said. "Isn't she beautiful?"
I remember at the time mum didn't like kitty. Oh yea...Y'all are probably wondering how we named her this famous name. Well I called Abby over after swimming and we were trying to find a name. Then we decided on kitty because....meh it's a common name.

1 year later....
Kitty was gone for 2 months.
We were really sad and didn't know where she went.
Kittys beautiful son...
Then on some day she came back and I was crying with my sister. But something was different...Her fur was cut and she had this shaved spot on the side of her with a stitched up thingy on it. Mum told us that she must've had kittens. And yes..she did. We saw her kitten come to our house. He followed kitty. Once again I called abby over and we named him...Ginger Socks.

So kitty became very attached to us. We were like her 2nd home. We didn't know where she lived or if she was a stray. She began to get tags all over her body and she was not well groomed. Then one day she began bleeding from her neck. We wanted to call the vet but we weren't her owners. So dad took care of her and fixed up the sore on her neck.

Soon we started getting food in the mail and feeding it to her. This is one of the main reasons why kitty stays here. Then we started buying her cat food....She is now MASSIVE. And she steals from our neighbors cats food bowl. That's why our neighbors cat is really skinny now. He is called Leo and is quite old. He suffers from neglect from his really really rich owners and you hear his depressed meows all day. I love Leo and I hope that his owners care for him and stop KITTY FROM EATING HIS FOOD!!!! Kitty is really sneaky. I watch her through the window. One
Next door neighbors cat

Last year I asked Matt Scobal about kitty and he said he lives next to her house. He told me the adress and what her real name is. And what her sons name is. I freaked out when he told me their names...

Kitty was called...Daisy
And Ginger socks was called...NIGEL????

To this day on...
Kitty just turned 5 years old
And her son is 4 years old.

I love them both very much. Kitty's owners aren't looking after her though. Her son is really well groomed. But she is covered in tags. I think the reason why she isn't groomed enough is because she never goes back to her real home. We ARE her home. SOO YEA!

Kitty is basically like our own cat now. We bought a grooming brush that we hardly use and cat food. I have over 500 pictures of her on my tablet and shes on every screen saver on all of my devices. Of course there is lots more to the story but that shall remain safe in my head.

You don't beleive me? Here is proof. Kitty and her sock
Oh yea forgot to mention that kitty is strange. To pay us back for our hospitality she steals socks, gloves, undies, handkerchiefs and leggings for us. We actually kept a pair of socks and a pair of gloves for ourselves. She saved us a lot of money. I have two pairs of socks that she has brought me and that I've kept. They're really comfy! Dad kept a pair of her gardening gloves which also come in hand! Mum says kitty is a kleptomaniac so we call her kleptokitty.

 I think everyone in yr 8 has met kitty. We were at 

 nairnville for EOTC week and she came down and visited us. Then she climbed into a builders van which got some laughs. Kitty seeks attention.    *Remember how at the beggining of the story how I said my dad loved kitty and mum wasn't too fond of her? Well now dad hates kitty and called her trailer trash and mum is in love with her. Mum likes to make up songs for kitty.*

Bear necessities...
We have over 50 names for kitty now and they're all quite strange...
Her full name is Kitty yourt Balloo. And no it's not "Balloon" it's Balloo. Like balloo the bear.
My baby is smiling!
Yourt is a weird name we made up. It stands for yogurt because kitty kinda looks like she had patches of white yogurt on her.

Lol, I see my sister walking up the drive now....CREEPPPYYY
Speaking of Kittys neighbor I just saw Mathew walk past.... Legit. I'm not lying. Great timing....

I guess I'm going to wrap this up now! 
I'm not going to make a sappy "Goodybye" speech
Lets say...
Good luck to y'all for next year
And may all of your wishes come true!
I may post next year...
But I might not visit the school again...(I'm not sure yet)

Thanks for a great 8 years!